Tuesday, November 11, 2008


This is MY DEAR FATHER's grave. It was finished built on 28 November 2007

We held a prayer for my FATHER's grave on 02nd December 2007
I went to visit my father's grave on 01st of Nov for All Souls Day.It
was raining that day in the afternoon.I was so afraid and scared of meeting people that I don't want to see and face them.But my twin sister was so strong and I got my strength from her.We clean my father's grave and put in some beautiful flowers.But on that day we only gave father a yellow daisy. I really miss my father so very much.Everyone will miss the person they lost so much.I called my brother and tell him everything we done for father's grave.And MOM cried when I called her at nite.MOM alone have to face everything like this and MOM do miss her dear mother(my grandma).I understand how my MOM felt when she never met her mother for 33 years...So that nite MOM prepare everything to celebrate ALL SOULS DAY.Me and my twin sister, just lit some candles and have our prayers.


Elsa Gabriel said...

It's nice to hear from you again..super busy huh? so the holidays is coming in 3 more days...so let me if u r in KK ya..coz arifah and her twins mau jumpa2 kita :)

AJ said...

Woiii Helena... Shalom... how ya doin??? it's me Ajai aka Aj hahahahahha the naughty boy just visit my weblog http://www.thesutras.org