Sunday, October 02, 2005


Its saturday and i need to go back home coz tonite my family held a Rosario's Prayer and my home will be the first home to start the prayer................i guess my mom and sis are busy for the preparation tonite...........whatever the preparation, the important is in our heart and what will happen.............
i need to pass up my examination paper for english year 2 and i still didnt finish the work.maybe after this i guess....i always done my work in a last what i always did back in college.........what a day and sweet memory.........a memory that will last forever and ever.......AMEN!
i do hope i can finish this examination and nothing is going to stop me from finish it coz i have a class after this....maybe i just skip or just enter the class..................but the truth is i must teach my students coz they need a lot of things to do before the exam and i must make sure that they can master the question very well and answer all the question correctly...........thats what a teacher for...........HELP THEIR STUDENTS MASTER THE LEARNING!

1 comment:

Elsa Gabriel said...

wei pun blum siap preparinf exam paper but u know lah..just cut n paste..LOL..n bagitau lah bah sapa BF ko tu...