Saturday, October 08, 2005


Sometimes we thought things is easy just like that..........but if we really face it, then we know its not that easy............and we wonder till when it have to be like that!
Just like LOVE..........we thought loving someone is easy like that.........but its the hardest thing to fall and love someone.......if we really into it, then we can understand! Its not easy to win someone's first,yes we thought we already given what we had but sometimes things didnt go very well!
We show the person how much we care and love her or him........but sometimes what we did didnt mean anything and the person just ignore you.........what will you do about it?You just wonder maybe he is like that and you accept that person cause you already love him so much.....but heart's cant lie what we think!We said we are fine but our heart are deeply in hurt!
We keep on wondering if he ever change and do what we really want him to do.But if he keep on like that.......what else can we expect!........but it's nice knowing someone who really care and love you so really can felt that u were in nice it is to be love by least no matter how hurt we are.........we must be grateful cause at least we know what is the meaning of love.........what it is like to be love by someone..........and never thought it was him..........

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